Tag Archives: children

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Poisoning can happen quickly: a moment of distraction, a bottle left standing on the counter, a lid not properly closed and a toddler has “tried” it. Poisoning in toddlers and children is primarily through cosmetics, cleaning products, and cigarettes. Luckily …

A Breathtaking Picnic App

Today I want to introduce an app for your children: it was developed for the Italian Resuscitation Council (IRC), a non-profit scientific association. For many years, the IRC has been promoting the importance of CPR in cardiorespiratory emergencies. One of …

More Baby Boys Than Baby Girls

I’ve always thought it was a more recent development. But this report shares some new, and surprising findings. http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/03/30/396384911/why-are-more-baby-boys-born-than-girls

Safe Surfing

Today I would like to share a link for my German speaking readers about “Safe Surfing the Internet – Rules for Children and Parents”. The “Eltern Club Schweiz” covers this hot topic on their website with some great advice for …

Croup Season

Croup Season is upon us. Do you know what Croup is? Or Pseudokrupp as it called in German? Croup is most commonly caused by a virus, and is recognised by a loud, dry barking cough, often a hoarse voice and …

Flying Nanny Service

Sorry, second post in one day but I just read that in a group I’m in: Etihad Airways have launched a “Flying Nanny” service! I’m impressed, just browsing through their website, one discovers a lot of fantastic services for travelling …

Poisoning Apps

I’ve been doing some research on apps about poisoning, prevention and most importantly management and have found two good ones: 1. Poisoning – First Aid for Children Definitely my favourite, available in a variety of languages and why I like …

Milk Alternatives

I found this link in one of the Facebook groups I’m in and it is an excellent resource for anything nutrition related. You will find nutrition tips, recipes and straightforward advice on this website run by a clinical nutritionist. Lauren …

Allergy Bracelets

Look at these “cool” allergy ID bracelets! I simply love Allerbling’s silicon bracelets, onto which you can simply clip on the charm you need. Finally a cool charm bracelet for kids suffering from allergies. Just like Live Strong bracelets. I …

Danger of Drowning

I know we haven’t had many summer days here yet but they will come (hopefully) and as every year, parents worry about their children playing in the water and the danger of drowning. Are you one of those who know …