I know we haven’t had many summer days here yet but they will come (hopefully) and as every year, parents worry about their children playing in the water and the danger of drowning.
Are you one of those who know drowning from movies only (that’s good on one way but then you must read on)?
It’s not new but every summer first aid instructors and life guards across the world try to raise awareness that drowning looks nothing like in movies!! I talk about this in all my First Aid on Children and BLS courses, too.
Read more in this great article: http://safetygator.wordpress.com/2013/06/10/drowning-doesnt-look-like-drowning/?goback=.gde_1762577_member_248263243
Spread the word and share this article with your friends.
Posted on June 29, 2013 by Luitgard Holzleg
This entry was posted in Blog and tagged awareness, children, danger, drowning, life guards, parents, recognise, recognition, summer. Bookmark the permalink.