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Burns & Scalds

A burn is a skin damage due to direct heat. When caused by hot liquids, it is called a scald. Other causes of burns include fire, hot steam, chemical substances, electricity, radiation (including sunburns). Even prolonged contact with ice or …

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is actually an umbrella term for a group of vitamins. When we talk about vitamin D, we refer to the for us important Vitamin D3, cholecalciferol. Vitamin D is incredibly diverse and has many important roles in our …

Exercise & Happiness

Fitness is the first requisite for happiness Exercise makes you happy! Have you noticed that, too? I’m not someone who goes out running or exercising because I always love it. But once I’ve overcome my weaker self, it takes as …

Urushiol and Mangoes

Now there is a difficult name, urushiol. Never heard of it. Not surprising but we are sure that you will have heard of where it’s found the most and how it causes the most contact allergies: in poison ivy and …

High Blood Pressure

Study finds link between high blood pressure in middle age and blood pressure and memory in old age: Science Daily

Sugar … or Candy at the Cash Register

Now, these are news I like to hear: the discounter Lidl chain bans selling sweets and candy at cash registers in Great Britain. The decision was made for the more than 600 discounters fowling a survey showing that 70% of …

Mandatory Daytime Car Headlights

The Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (bfu – Beratungstelle für Unfallverhütung; bpa – bureau de prévention des accidents, upi – ufficio prevention infortuni) has mandated that as of January 1, 2014 using headlights during daytime hours is mandatory. This regulation …

Impact of allergies

The impact of allergy diagnose: interesting statistics. I found this on Onespot Allergy’s Facebook page A study at Mc Master university found the following lifestyle changes if a child was diagnosed with a food allergy: 85% avoid eating out 61% …