

Driving & Driver’s license information


10 Steps to a Swiss Driver’s License


Der Weg Zum Schweizer Führerschein – How to get a Swiss Driver’s License
(German only)


How to convert a non-Swiss driver’s license to a Swiss driver’s license


Application form conversion of a foreign driver’s license to a Swiss driver’s license


Application form learner’s license ZH


Application form learner’s license SZ


Application form learner’s license ZG


Application form to complete driving test outside canton Zug


AA European travel advice – compulsory equipment
(external file)




Blocking car registration information


Request to block access to car registration information ZH




First Aid Kit recommendations


First Aid kit CHILDREN


First Aid kit STUDENT – University/College


First Aid kit STUDENT – What, When and How



Information for Parents


A Parent’s Guide to Water Safety Information by the American Academy of Pediatrics


Information for parents – legal aspects of employing a babysitter in Switzerland


Recommendations Costs & Wages for Babysitters, Nannies & Tagesmütter

Swiss Society of Paediatrics – Introducing Foods To Babies summarises recommendations of paediatricians about introduction of different foods to infants and young toddlers.

Emergency Information Sheet for Families



For Teenagers


Guidelines: How much can I charge as a Babysitter



General Information


German First Aid Phrases


Optimal Humidity Levels in Living and Working Spaces