Monthly Archives: August 2013

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Expat Expo in Zürich

Very excited, travelling for a few days from Sunday and upon my return will be at the Expat Expo in Zurich in September 1. Why not join me and many others at this exciting event by and for the English …

Tiger mosquitoes in Switzerland

Have you heard about tiger mosquitoes? They are recognised by their black and white striped legs and bodies. They are known to transmit viruses such as dengue fever, yellow fever or the West Nile virus. They are natives of South …

Women and Stroke

Are you one of the women who think men are more likely to suffer from stroke than women? You are in for a (unpleasant) surprise: did you know that stroke kills more women than breast cancer? Women can suffer from …

Jamie Oliver wins a battle

Yuck but well done Jamie!! Hamburger chef Jamie Oliver has just won a battle against one of the largest fast food chains in the world. After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the franchise announced it will change its …

Ghost Bikes in Zürich

Greetings from my holidays; biking every day 🙂 Which reminded me that I wanted to share this article from 20 Minuten: Have you seen the ghost bikes and wondered what they are?

First Year of a Newborn

I love this idea of looking back at the first year of a child: Sam Cornwell filmed daily short clips of his son Indigo and assembled them to one-second clips, 365 up to his first birthday.–father-films-one-second-clips-of-baby-son-for-365-days-113348629.html#JAMcN48