Monthly Archives: April 2013

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Women’s Expo

Healthy And Safe Away From Home is very proud to be an exhibitor a Switzerland’s first ever Women’s Expo taking place in Zürich on May 26. Read more about this exciting event in Annabelle, Switzerland’s number one women’s magazine:ützung-ersten-womens-expo-zürich-28755 …

Child growth app

Here is a very helpful Swiss app (it’s in English, don’t worry) I would like to recommend: It was developed by the Paediatric-Endocrinological Centre Zurich PEZZ, an internationally renowned centre for growth and hormonal disorders specialising in child and adolescent …


Sad and worrying at the same time: there current measles outbreak in Wales, UK, has effected nearly 700 people at this point, with the first death under investigation for its relation to measles. Read more in the NHS’ statement from …

Children & CPR

This is proof that children can learn CPR. So let’s teach them early in life and once they are strong enough, they can save a life themselves! Congratulations to Ethan and Rocky, you are true heroes! Do you want …

World Health Day

Today, Sunday, April 7, 2103, is World Health Day. The theme for this year is “Control Your Blood Pressure”. The statistics are shocking: – 40% of adults aged 25 and over had raised blood – more than 17 million people …

A step forward in HIV research

A team of researches in North Carolina has been able to piece together the steps the body undertakes to build antibodies against HIV. While still a long shot, this might be an important step towards a vaccine:

CPR Marathon

I love this fundraiser and the idea: students of Nottingham University, UK organised an awareness raising and fundraising CPR Marathon to educate as many people as possible about this life saving skills: What an amazing idea 🙂